罗城中文学校2025春季注册信息 / Rochester Chinese School  Spring 2025 Registration


大家好!中文学校2025年的春季学期将于1月18号开学 。

罗城中文学校致力于提供超越线上中文教学的独特学习环境。在这里,学生不仅仅是上课,他们还将积极参与和互动,促进语言文化的交流和个人的全面发展。孩子们可以交朋友, 学习中文,中国文化,艺术,和舞蹈,并培养必要的表达和领导能力。通过为学生提供一个可以共同学习和成长的空间,我们确保 学生们能够获得丰富且难忘的学习体验。

请点击网上注册链接 https://form.typeform.com/to/lv9Ed8LF 尽早注册,网上注册完成后,您在注册中所填写的邮箱会收到您的注册信息,请打印此注册电邮件并在支票备注栏里写上学生的名字和所注册的班名.您可在开学的第一天(1/18)将打印的注册电邮件和学费支票交至学校值班室, 或邮寄至:

      2721 Monroe Dr NW
      Rochester, MN 55901

  • 中文学校舞蹈班于周日(1月19号)开始上课。与舞蹈班相关的具体问题,请询问李滢老师(yl_0827@hotmail.com
  • 与成人中文班相关的具体问题,请询问梁洁老师(liang.jie@mayo.edu)或詹文志老师(zhanwenzhi@yahoo.com
  • 与其它中文班相关的具体问题,可向相关班级老师询问。
  • 若有任何其它问题,请与汪丽琴(lxw07gm@gmail.com)联系。


Dear Rochester Chinese School (RCS) students and parents,

RCS will start its spring semester on Saturday, January 18th, 2025. 

Rochester Chinese School is committed to providing a unique learning environment that goes beyond online education. Students could make friends, learn Chinese language, culture, art, and dance, while also honing essential communication and leadership skills. By creating an environment where students can learn and grow together, we ensure the students will have a rich and memorable study experience.

Please use the link https://form.typeform.com/to/lv9Ed8LF to register for class(es). After you complete your online registration, a confirmation email will be sent to the email listed in the registration. Please print out the confirmation email write the student(s) name and the registered class(es) in your check’s memo. You may bring the printed copy of the confirmation email and the check to school on the first day of class (Jan. 18th), or mail to:

      2721 Monroe Dr NW
      Rochester, MN 55901

Contact person(s)

  •  All dance classes will start on Sunday, January 19th. If you have any questions related to a dance class, refer them to the instructor Ms. Ying Li (yl_0827@hotmail.com).
  •  If you have any questions related to the adult Chinese class, refer them to Mr. Jie Liang (liang.jie@mayo.edu) or Mr. Wenzhi Zhan (zhanwenzhi@yahoo.com).
  • If you have any questions related to any other Chinese Classes, refer them to the class instructor.
  • Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Liqin Wang (lxw07gm@gmail.com).

Attached is the RCS school calendar for 2024-2025.


Best regards,


Rochester Chinese School 

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