Chinese New Year 2015 Chorus 大合唱

Dear Students, Parents, and Teachers/Staff,

February 19, 2015 is Chinese New Year. As we did before, our Chinese community in Rochester will hold annual Chinese New Year Celebration Party for Year of the Goat (a further notice for the date and time).

Now it’s the time for us to prepare for the performances in the party. A grand chorus by all students and teachers/staff has been very welcomed by audiences in the past years. Based on the requirements — pleasant to hear, easy to learn, and easy to sing, we have selected two songs: (1) Firefly (2) Believe in Love. Attachment is the lyrics of the songs. The musical videos:

Believe in Love:

It’s a very important for the students to sing Chinese songs and learn Chinese culture. Starting this Saturday, our teachers will help students to understand and teach songs in the classrooms. Please parent help your child to sing the songs at home. We plan to have rehearsal on each Saturday starting January.

Thank you for your support and collaboration!

Zhen Ren


2015年2月19日是中国农历新年(春节)。 像往年一样,我们罗城华人社区届时将举办一年一度的春节联欢晚会(具体日期时间另行通知),共庆“羊年”的到来。


本着好听,易学,易唱的要求,现选上两首中文大合唱的歌曲(谢谢杨倩老师的推荐): 1)萤火虫,2)相信爱。歌词见附件。视频连接:萤火虫: 相信爱:



Attachment: Song lyrics