大家好!中文学校2022年的秋季学期将于9月10号开学了 。
根据目前的疫情情况、家长和老师们的反馈意见、及罗城公立学校恢复实体教学后的上课情况综合考虑,学校理事会决定本学期所有班级将实体教学,各班级在RCTC的具体教室待落实后在开学前通知大家。为便于外地学生或遇特殊情况仍可以线上上课,中文学校将保留原来的zoom帐号(388 008 9925,密码为873032)。
请点击网上注册链接https://form.typeform.com/to/a534nupk尽早注册,若您在9月10日之后注册,学校将收取$15的滞纳费。网上注册完成后,您在注册中所填写的邮箱会收到您的注册信息,请将此注册电邮打印件和学费支票寄至RCS,2719 Rocky Creek LN NE,Rochester, MN 55906, 并在支票备注栏里写上学生的名字和所注册的班名。
- 中文学校舞蹈班于周日(9月11号)开始上课。与舞蹈班相关的具体问题,请询问李滢老师(yl_0827@hotmail.com)。
- 中文学校绘画班于周六(9月17号)开始上课。与绘画班相关的具体问题,请询问李燕老师(yanli1226@gmail.com)。
- 与成人中文班相关的具体问题,请询问梁洁老师(liang.jie@mayo.edu)。
- 与其它中文班相关的具体问题,可向相关班级老师询问。
- 若有任何其它问题,请与王效珉(xiaominwangbao@hotmail.com)联系。
罗城中文学校和Mayo Clinic Chinese MERG (Mayo Employee Resource Groups) 将在8月20日下午4:00 – 7:00联合举办罗城社区夏季野餐活动,诚邀您及家人参加。
- 地点是Silver Lake West Shelter (770 Silver Lake Dr. NE)。
- 为保证食品安全,我们将统一准备食物。
- 请您在周四 (8/18)午夜之前点击链接 https://forms.gle/HhQWCKvphYGTAYTR8 报名, 以便我们准备适量的食物。
- 建议您及家人在此活动中戴上口罩。
Dear Rochester Chinese School (RCS) students and parents,
RCS will start its fall semester on Saturday, September 10th, 2022.
Based on the feedback from parents and teachers along with the Rochester Public School’s continual in-person lecture after one year, the RCS board has decided all classes will be delivered in-person this semester. Classroom assignments at RCTC will be announced later. The original Zoom account (388 008 9925 with password 873 032) will be kept as well, so that classes can be delivered via zoom for special circumstances.
Please use the link https://form.typeform.com/to/a534nupk to register for class(es). Registration after September 10th will be charged a late fee of $15. After you complete your online registration, a confirmation email will be sent to the email listed in the registration. Please mail your check with a printed copy of the confirmation email to RCS, 2719 Rocky Creek LN NE, Rochester, MN 55906. In the check’s memo, write the student(s) name and the registered class(es).
- All dance classes will start on Sunday, September 11th. If you have any questions related to a dance class, refer them to the instructor Ms. Ying Li (yl_0827@hotmail.com).
- All drawing classes will start on Saturday, September 17th. If you have any questions related to a drawing class, refer them to the instructor Ms. Yan Li (yanli1226@gmail.com).
- If you have any questions related to an adult Chinese class, refer them to Mr. Jie Liang (liang.jie@mayo.edu).
- If you have any questions related to any other Chinese Classes, refer them to the class instructor.
- Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Xiaomin Wang (xiaominwangbao@hotmail.com).
You and your family are invited to the Rochester Chinese Community Summer Picnic hosted by RCS and Mayo Clinic Chinese MERG (Mayo Employee Resource Groups) on Saturday, Aug 20th in the afternoon from 4 pm to 7 pm.
- The picnic will be held at the Silver Lake West Shelter (770 Silver Lake Dr. NE).
- Food, fruit, and bottled water will be provided by us.
- To help us to prepare the right amount of food, please register with the link https://forms.gle/HhQWCKvphYGTAYTR8 before 11:59 pm on Thursday, 8/18.
- Masks are highly recommended.
You may submit your tuition check and the printed copy of the confirmation email at that time.
Enclosed is the RCS school calendar for 2022-2023.
Best regards,
Rochester Chinese School 罗城中文学校