- Help teachers and school officials to ensure that the students understand and follow the school rules and guidelines.
- Send their children to and pick up their children from school on time.
- Parents are expected to sign up to volunteer for school duties or events at least once (2 hours) per semester per enrolled child. Responsibilities for parents on duty are specified in the Parents on Duty Guidelines and a Checklist (see school website). Parents on duty must arrive at school 10 minutes before classes begin.
- To help their children adjust to new class environment, parents may accompany their children in class, only after obtaining approval from the school principal or school board member on duty. School principal or school board member on duty will determine the need for parental assistance based on the student’s progress.
- Inform school officials and teachers on changes or updates to contact information as soon as possible, so that parents can be contacted in time for unforeseen changes to class schedules, school events, or emergencies.
- Check school website (rochesterchineseschool.org) for announcements and updates on school activities and events.
- 帮助和督促学生遵守学校的规章制度。
- 学生来校上课时,家长需负责按时接送。
- 每位家长在每学期需参加至少2小时的义务性服务,包括值班和学校的其他活动。值班的家长必须在上课前10分钟到达学校。
- 为了帮助学生适应课堂环境,若家长需陪同学生在教室听课,必须征得校方的同意。校方也有权决定家长是否有继续陪同的必要。
- 家长的联系方式若有更改,需及时通知校方工作人员,以便校方在特殊情况下能与家长及时取得联系。
- 可从学校网站 rochesterchineseschool.org 查看学校的通知和最新动向。